Sunday, April 22, 2012


I typed," Hey. I know we just met, and this is crazy, but I think I love you." into the text conversation between the boy that I like and I as a joke. I showed it to my friend without hitting send. I went to go delete it, but my 'enter' button and my 'delete' button are right next to each other.

... Guess who told the boy she likes that she loves him.

ME. D:

I proceeded to have a panic/freak-out on the floor.

... good times. Not.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Well that changes everything

I was about to give up. Call it a day. I didn't need him anymore. All he does is make me sad. I could move on.

Then my phone made a little buzz. The old him came back. The old him came back to talk to me. To talk about music, and ancient places, and other cute stuff. (cute to me anyways.)

It made me change my mind...

Maybe I wont move on just yet.
