Thursday, December 29, 2011

Back in time, there was a happy place that I once knew. (and some hateful stuff)

Back in time, there was a happy place that I once knew. Back where there wasn't a care in the world. Back where the wind was in  my hair, and the sun in my face. Those were the good old days, but they call them "old" days for a reason.

They're not now.

Now, there's war. Now there are cares and fears. Now, there is confusion and pain. Now the sun is slowly blacking out, and the air is polluted. This is the now. This is what we've come to. This is what we are.

Can't we go back to the good old days? Can't we be free from the pain and the suffering? Can't we just be young and naive forever?  A day spent laughing at the slightest things and doing anything we please would be the greatest.

Even though there is bad in the world, don't loose your smile. Remember the good old days. Cherish what you had, and pray for the strength to go on with the future. Look forward to good times to come. Memories only last as long as you let them, so make them count. Most importantly, live life to the fullest. In the end, you'll remember the good, not the bad.

Sorry for all that jazz... It just popped into my head and needed to burst out of my fingers. Do you want to hear random hateful things on my mind? Well, you have no choice.

I hate when people say," F---ing." or stuff like that. You might as well just say the whole word, for crying out loud!
I hate when something is estranged. I hate it. HATE.
I hate it when people brag... >.<
I hate it when people only talk about themselves.
I hate is when people steal things. Be it pencils, people, food, money, words, ect.
I hate Copy cats and followers. Like," I like purple" "OMG, ME TOO!" or " I like *insert an name of a musical or something here*" " OMG! I TOTALLY LOVE THAT!!!!" Then they have to copy everything that that person does till there is slowly two of the same person. And when people say something like," OM- double gee" and then someone else says it till EVERYONE is saying it.
I hate taking meds.
I hate having to pee while writing a blog... so I guess I'll end the hate fest, here. BYE! <3

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