Friday, January 27, 2012

Clingy people and the real ones.

Tonight was my band's movie night thingy.

Everywhere I went, she was there. Attached to me.

O.o *twitch*

There's this new girl at my school. She's very clingy to my best friend and I. She like, would not detach herself from us! She'd very annoying sometimes... And a copy cat. My friends and I were telling funny stories about dreams and stuff then, my one friend something that made me laugh till I cried. Then, this new girl comes over and is laughing for no reason... O.o Whaaaa...??? Then she pretended to understand what I meant when I said,"If a boy wants to kiss you in the woods, say no. Especially if he's short."
One my one friend and I would probably only understand that. Not her. ARGHH...

I had to sit next to her in the movie.  She kept hugging me and stuff. CLINGY!!!


Anyways... The real ones. I love my friends (and somewhats) because they are true to themselves. No matter what. They stay true to what they believe and don't change. Sometimes we fight, but I still love them all. Even if they squirt gogurt yogurt on my face, spill beer-pee all over, do the pudding cup, yell "WIGGLE WIGGLE WIGGLE!" in my ear, spray capri sun in my hair, rake up front yards looking for spoons, erasing red hands, worship book series characters, burp super loud, yell at me to wait for them while they're at the bottom of a staircase while I'm at the top, love mushroom pizza, fall in love with mustaches, grab my shoulders and yell HEY!, grab my back pack and not let go as we run through the halls, take test answers and run away from me, want to go and "climb some walls", make fun of how I say the word, "dude", cry in the band room with me, make only one web show with me, have an eraser family, pee together forever, CORRECT MY SPELLING AND GRAMMAR!, spend hours talking about flying skunks and such in my head, and drool over the nerdy-ish boys in the movies. <3

Those are the real ones.

I'll always love them, no matter what. (; those freaking weirdos...  ahhhhh...


  1. Ugh.... :/ Your one friend that's clingy- let's call her Moaning Myrtle? xD Ahh, yeah, she's clingy. :/ I don't really like her... I mean, I like her more than I liked her when I first met her, but not enough for me to thank her in my Stage Crew bio. ;D

    And I'm so glad you love all your friends, and that your friends are true to themselves... They seem like the SUPERMEGAFOXYAWESOMEHOTEST people in the world! ;D

  2. Myrtle... That's bloody brilliant.

    They are way more than supermegafoxyawesomehot. Anyone would be lucky to even breath the same air as them. <3 Thanks for commenting, stranger! (;
