Thursday, January 12, 2012


I'm going to be talking about two different types of noses.

1) Noses in other people's business where they don't belong.
2) Really long ones that you can stretch out super far and then tie together. (lol)

NOSES IN MAH BUSINESS. If it has nothing to do with you, stay out. I hate it when people comment or ask me questions about stuff that I do or try to find out stuff about me that they don't need to know. I wish that I could just lock everything up in a big box and hide in it. I'd feel safe and wonderful being surrounded by all of my personal secrets and thoughts. I'd be in that box where nobody could ever find me or open the box. I  need a Pandorica. I need a place to hold me for 2,000 years that is guarded by the love of my life who wont ever die and would do anything in his power to make sure that nothing happened to me in that Pandorica. *sigh* if only Dr.Who was a real and I was a mixture of Amy and River... yeah.

Pandorica with Rory (the roman fighter) guarding Amy inside. <3

Long noses that get tied to other noses... Teehee.

Wicked is a STRANGE book. It said something like,"Till they were tangled noses" or something like that and the first thing that I thought of was my friend's nose being stretched soooooooo long and then tided to someone else's. XD How funny would that be???
We were laughing so hard that we almost cried. I love those moments. I'd put all of them in my pandorica. <3

Bye haters and lovers of all flavors and colors. <3

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