Saturday, January 21, 2012

Just Dance

Yesterday night, there was a school dance.
Of course all of the songs were pretty much inappropriate, but some were good and the subject matter was fine. Well, I got to the dance and when I walked in I saw my one friend, but I didn't say hi because I wanted him to say hi to me first. The teachers and parents near the door told me to leave my stuff in the hallway going to the band room. ARE THEY INSANE? My stuff would get stepped on by stupid people. So, I snuck into the band room and left my stuff in there. My other two friends also did that.
My friend came over to me and said hi and then him and I basically spent around 10 minutes awkwardly waiting for other people to come. It was fine, because we were talking, but it was strange being some of the tallest people there. I'm pretty sure that my friend was also the oldest. XD
Soon, my one friend came and it was the three of us waiting for my other friend because her mom decided that now would be the perfect time to get gas in the car. Lol :P
When we all were finally there, we were dancing and standing and talking. It was fun. We found this one corner of the cafeteria and were sitting there after everyone was finished fighting over who got the corner.
My one friend would leave us a lot to talk to some of her other friends, which was fine, and sometimes my guy friend would follow her, so some of the time it was just my best friend and I. We started talking about other demenisons and how neat it would be if we could visit them and see how we lived there and stuff. Then my guy friend sat down with us in the corner and someone like you came on. Did we sing and dance in the corner? Yes, we did. Just a word of warning: If the cha cha slide comes on and three of you are smushed into a corner, get out of the corner before participating in the dance. XD
I was dancing with my guy friend (who's not very good at dancing with people) and it was sweet. (:
My one friend apparently put a heart over us and her and my other friend were giggling, but I don't care.

I had too much fun to care. <3

I love school dances, no matter how lame they are made out to be.

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