Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Well, today was certainly interesting.

It all started with a look... then another look... then a push... then a "I'MMA PRACTICALLY SIT ON YOUUUUU!!!!"...

I was sitting in my favorite teacher's room fourth period typing up this thing when all of a sudden, my best guy friend whom I also like comes by. He puts his hand on my chair, then he's just staring at me. So I look at him very confused, and he looks away. So, I go back to typing and he does it again. I'm thinking," Okaaay? What do you want???". I look at him and again he looks away. I go back to typing when he pushes me, then pretends as if he never did. I push him back and I roll my eyes as he practically lays on the whole right side of me. Later he just goes and flirts with the girl he likes... Confusing, yes? ...boys. *le sigh*

In lunch, I was playing with a kiwi. I decided that it would be a good idea to squeeze it from a bag like icing. HAHAHAHA... Guess what plan backfired? Literally. It backfired right onto my shirt. I needed new clothes, and fast. My best friend said that she had a shirt that I could borrow in her locker. As we ask to go to her locker to get me her shirt, my teacher (who's epic by the way) decided to tell us how much her husband loves kiwi and that she packed him two for lunch. It was actually rather funny. On our way to her locker, we started to talk about all of the fun adventures that we've been through together. Our first one was in fifth grade, when I had red lipstick all over my hands that wouldn't come off and we were trying to erase it in math class. Ah... It feels just like yesterday.
Anyway, I ended up getting a shirt from my other friend who is AMAZING! <3

In History class, I was late and I walked in to find the guy that I like and one of my other good friends dressed as colonial people... strange. Apparently, they had "colonial swag". Awesome! hahahah!!!

In math we just shared strange stories. It was very fun, but I didn't get to tell my story about Mrs. Smith, the midget *female dog* from hell. Maybe I'll tell you that story some other time.

My homeroom teacher (whom is also my science teacher) says that he did not receive a paper that I had Emailed him two weeks ago. As I pull up my Email, and show him that I DID show it to him he proceeds to arrogantly tell me basically that I'm lying. So, I'm sitting in my seat freaking out about what the heck I'm going to do, now... when miraculously he found it. JOY. >.<

He only had to OPEN HIS EYES to find it... Gosh.

Play practice was horrible.

Now I'm home, sleepy, and hungry. Ta ta for now! <3

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